Montag, 22. September 2014

Review: The Edge of Never by J. A. Redmerski

Hello my dear book enthusiasts,
today I have my review of The Edge of Never by J. A. Redmerski for you. It's a great book but I do have some (minor) problems with it, which is why I'm going to give it 4/5 stars.

Plot: Our protagonist is twenty-year-old Camryn Bennett, who's had quite a bit of bad luck in her life. After a night out at a club, things happen and Camryn simply decides to pack a few necessities and board a Greyhound bus. This is where she meets Andrew Parrish. The two of them form an extraordinary bond and he convinces her to do things she never would've otherwise. Going on a road trip through the States, Camryn learns to give in to her desires and live life to its fullest. But Andrew is keeping a secret, which has the power to drive them apart forever.

Genre: Romance, New Adult
New words? No
Getting into it? Pretty easy


  • This is a very light and uplifting read, even though one might shed some tears in the end.
  • It's written in dual perspective, so you can get to know both our main characters in the best possible way 
  • It was not too descriptive, but you were able to picture everything perfectly.
  • This book really makes you think about what you want out of life and about yourself and society.
  • Personally, the characters really stuck with me and I still think about them a lot. They have their flaws, obviously, and they have some sides to them that I didn't like, but they stood out, I feel.


  • Slut shaming. A lot of women in this book are portrayed as sluts because they dress or act a certain way. This is something that really pissed me off. Sending out the message that just because you wear short skirts or because you like sex you're a slut is definitely wrong and stupid. 
  • This books is considered New Adult, so it does contain some sex scenes. Really, I don't have a problem with that at all. However, I feel this book centers a lot around the sexual aspect and has way too many sexual references. To me it felt a bit forced. It's New Adult, let's add x10000 sex references. Sure. Because otherwise it would be Young Adult and we sure don't want that. Ughh.
  • Also, I felt that they were throwing around the word "rape" way too carelessly. Don't get me wrong, they only mentioned it about three or four times, but I felt that it was not taken as seriously a matter as it is. That's a personal pet peeve of mine, you might not even be bothered by it.
  • Every other word is babe. At first I thought it was kind of cute, even though I strongly dislike this word. It was their thing, you know? But then it got too much. Way too much. They used it in every other sentence and it had my eyes rolling many times. 
  • And lastly, I think that some scenes were pretty cliche. But it also had some quite unique ones, so that makes up for those. Oh and the rather cliche ones were beautiful, so don't worry.
  • This is the first one in a duology; both books have been released.
  • There is a spin-off book called Song of Fireflies, which revolves around different characters. 
All in all I still really recommend this book, even though it looks as if the cons were outweighing the pros. But that's not true at all. It was a very entertaining and nice read, so check it out if you're interested. Talk to you soon and keep on reading.

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