Samstag, 6. September 2014

"Be Room Cliff" Tag

Hello my dear booklovers,
today I thought I would do something particularly entertaining. Yes, you have guessed it, my friends, I am doing the "Be Room Cliff" tag that was originally created by polandbananasBOOKS on YouTube (click her name to get to her video). Now what's that? I haven't even been tagged? That's correct but I like to consider myself a rebel. Also, I have been sick this past week and sadly couldn't get a lot of reading done because I wasn't able to concentrate on it. Anyways, let me explain this tag to you. What you do is write the names of a few fictional characters on separate pieces of paper, put them in a jar and afterwards you're going to draw three names for each round. Overall I have put down twelve names which makes up for four rounds...duh. You then decide which of the characters you would want to be, which one you would want to room and be best friends with, and which one you would push off a cliff. Let's get the fun started, shall we?

Round 1


Be: I'm going to pick Cath Avery (Fangirl) because she is just such a funny character. Plus she has a twin and come one, who wouldn't want to have a twin? And, of course, she has the cutest boyfriend on the planet (ssshhhh, I'm not going to tell who it is, you'll have to read the book if you haven't yet).

Room: As for my roommate, I'm going to choose Charlie Kelmeckis (The Perks Of Being A Wallflower). I can relate to Charlie so much and he is simply such a likable person. I'd love to be besties with him. I wouldn't want to be him, though, because of what has happened in his past.

Cliff: Now that leaves only Tris Prior (Divergent trilogy) to push off the cliff. Honestly, I liked her but not as much as everyone else seems to. It's still hard to kill her off but she has to go. Sorry, Tris.

 Round 2


Be: Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter), hands down. She is a witch, she's in Ravenclaw and she's one of my favorite characters from the Harry Potter books. This was an easy one.
As for Cinder, I wouldn't want to be her because of what happens at the end of the first book. It's not such an easy life that she lives (not that Luna's would be).

Room: I'd make Linh Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles) my roommate. I think we'd get along pretty well and she is such a loyal character. And how cool would it be to live with a cyborg?!  .

Cliff: This one's fairly easy as well. Bye bye, June (Legend trilogy). I just couldn't relate to her and for some reason she was really pissing me off pretty much throughout the entire series.

Round 3

Be: Hermione Granger (Harry Potter). Can you see a pattern here? I'm just completely obsessed with Harry Potter and magic. I mean, who wouldn't want to be a smart, kick-ass witch who, in addition to being absolutely stunning, also happened to defeat the Dark Lord? Plus, she is always willing to help people in need and she has a strong sense of justice.
It's pretty obvious why I wouldn't want to be Katniss, right? 

Room: Now this is really hard, my friends. But I think I would rather room with Ruby Daly (The Darkest Minds trilogy). She is such a caring and loyal character. And maybe she'd introduce me to Liam. Oh I would love that, you guys have no idea.

Cliff: I don't want to push Katniss (The Hunger Games trilogy) off a cliff but she's the only one left. Poor Katniss, her life has already been hard enough. But she has a good chance of surviving, considering that she got out of the Hunger Games twice. Now if that doesn't speak for itself...

Final Round 

Be: I'm going to say Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer trilogy), even though she has such a hard life what with nobody believing her and everything else that is going down. But on the other hand,she has Noah Shaw. Oh. My. Noah. Yes, he is definitely worth it. Also, I really love her sarcastic, yet caring and loyal character.
I wouldn't want to be Hazel and Alaska, Hazel being sick with cancer and Alaska...Well, if you read the book, you know why I don't exactly want to be in her skin.

Room: I'd definitely room with Hazel (The Fault in Our Stars). What can I say? She is smart, funny and extremely awesome. Is that enough reasons? Even though she'll die soon (probably) and the feels will hit me like crazy, she'd be worth it. I'd be thankful for our little infinity (get it?)

Cliff: God, I'm sorry, Alaska (Looking For Alaska). But I'm not so sure she'd hate me for shoving her off a cliff...If you read the book, you probably know what I'm talking about.

So that completes the Be Room Cliff tag. Would you have chosen differently? Please let me know! Talk to you soon and in the meantime, keep on reading.

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